Qualified professionals for your company
Lucerne is the center of an innovative, internationally oriented, and prosperous economic area with a large pool of skilled workers and high productivity. In the catchment area you will find multilingual professionals who are motivated to implement your visions and goals.
Well trained talents
Around 1 million employees are active in the catchment area of the Lucerne economic region. Thanks to the numerous further education institutions and universities, the workforce is well trained. Education in Switzerland is characterized by a high level of practical relevance. In addition, Switzerland shines with the best quality of vocational training of all countries in Europe. With 38.6%, Switzerland is the country in Europe with the second highest percentage of people who have a tertiary education degree.
Educational offerings as a location factor
The Lucerne universities foster the attractiveness of the canton of Lucerne as a business location. Local companies benefit from the qualified specialists who are educated and trained at these schools. On the other hand, the research activities of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts lead to successful cooperations with companies and promote innovations. Studies on location factors show: Families often decide which region to live in based on the range of education and training opportunities available.
Attractive for professionals from all over the world
Switzerland is a magnet for qualified professionals from all over the world. Companies in the canton of Lucerne have the opportunity to recruit employees from all over the world thanks to the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons with the EU and the available permits for workers from other countries.
High labor productivity
Switzerland is one of the most productive economies in the world. Success factors are the liberal labor laws, the low density of regulations and the high level of social stability. Another advantage is the low employer costs compared with the rest of Europe.
Global value chain
International companies organize their value chain from Lucerne. Functions such as purchasing, marketing, product management, business development, sales as well as headquarters and central functions are popular. They benefit from attractive framework conditions.
More and more international companies are also outsourcing their research and development to Switzerland and Lucerne. The drivers for this are a qualified workforce, access to Swiss universities and research facilities, and the high innovative strength of the Swiss economy.
Multilingualism and openness
Switzerland shares a border with three of the four largest European markets: Germany, France and Italy. Their languages are also national languages of Switzerland, which many Lucerne residents speak fluently in addition to English. The coexistence of different language groups, cultures and religions leads to a high level of openness and tolerance. Lucerne is particularly international in character and open to companies and employees from abroad, precisely because of its many years of experience in tourism.
Voices from the business community
If you have any questions about the labor market, I am here for you.

Mathias Lischer
Head of Promotion & FDI
Phone +41 41 367 44 03