
24.06.2024 | Professionals | Reading-time: 2 min

University of Lucerne extends cooperation with European University Institute

Lucerne/Fiesole - The University of Lucerne and the European University Institute (EUI) in Italy have extended their cooperation agreement. The partnership is intended to deepen exchanges in the areas of research and teaching.

The University of Lucerne and the European University Institute (EUI), an international postgraduate and post-doctoral research-intensive university based in Fiesole in the Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy, have extended their cooperation. As detailed in a press release, the two educational institutions have now concluded an agreement running for an additional five years. Among other aspects, the cooperation will strive to promote visiting professorships and the exchange of researchers, while EUI doctoral students will also have the opportunity to take advantage of teaching opportunities in Lucerne and to publish academic papers. In the first contract cycle since 2019, a total of 20 EUI members have already given lectures at the University of Lucerne. The focus of the collaboration is on the fields of economics and social sciences, history, political science and law.

«The collaboration with the EUI has been very successful», comments Prof. Bruno Staffelbach, Rector of the University of Lucerne, in the press release. «With regard to future research in the field of blockchain, further promising opportunities are opening up», he concludes.

Universität Luzern


