
19.09.2022 | Reading-time: 2 min

University of Lucerne expands with two new faculties

Lucerne - The responsible committee of the Lucerne cantonal parliament has approved the expansion of the University of Lucerne. Health Sciences and Medicine as well as Behavioural Sciences and Psychology will supplement the existing four faculties.

The Commission for Education and Culture (EBKK) of the Lucerne cantonal parliament has approved the amendment to the University Act for the expansion of the University of Lucerne, according to a statement. To allow the two new faculties to be set up, the EBKK requested approval from the cantonal parliament for the amendment to the Higher Education Act. The Lucerne cantonal parliament today approved an amendment to this effect.

With the approval of the amendment, the university can implement its plan to expand from four to six faculties. The Department of Health Sciences and Medicine will be combined into a separate faculty, while there are also plans to establish a new faculty for Behavioural Sciences and Psychology.

The plans aim to expand the university's range of humanities subjects, according to the statement. The development also guarantees specialist training in the highly sought-after health sector.

University of Lucerne – News 

Universität Luzern