
21.06.2023 | Life Sciences & Health | Reading-time: 2 min

MSD opens new research laboratory in Schachen

Lucerne/Schachen - MSD Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) has opened a new research laboratory at its site in Schachen in the canton of Lucerne. MSD has invested 20 million Swiss francs in this. Analytical methods for new active substances will be developed there in future.

MSD has expanded its laboratory capacities at its Schachen site. A new research laboratory building was officially unveiled on June 20 according to a press release from the Lucerne-based Swiss subsidiary of MSD Merck Sharp & Dohme AG. MSD has invested almost 20 million Swiss francs in the new capacities in Schachen over the past three years.

MSD specializes in the development of analytical methods for new active substances and drugs at its site in Schachen. John Naber, Director of Biological Analytical Research and Development at MSD, commented in the press release: “The need for additional laboratory capacity here has increased dramatically in recent years, and we are very pleased to now have the new laboratories up and running.” Site Manager Dr. Corinna Lenz added: “In the future, more than 20 analysts and engineers will work in the additional 350 square meters the laboratory space makes available.”

The tasks performed at the Schachen site include the development of analytical methods for seamless monitoring of continuous production processes. MSD explained that these are currently still the exception in the pharmaceutical industry due to the high technical and regulatory requirements. The pharmaceutical company plans to drive forward the development of continuous production processes with its work in Schachen.

MSD Schweiz


