Canton of Lucerne promoting circular construction projects
Lucerne - The canton of Lucerne is looking to bolster the circular economy in the construction industry. Together with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, it has launched a request for proposals under the Structural Engineering Eco-Design initiative. Funding applications for circular construction projects can be submitted from mid-January to mid-
The Canton of Lucerne is joining forces with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the field of circular construction. The two partners have now launched a request for proposals under the Structural Engineering Eco-Design initiative, as the State Chancellery of the canton of Lucerne writes in a press release. Circular construction projects are to be promoted to the tune of 200,000 Swiss francs overall next year. Moreover, particularly innovative projects will also receive a material pass and consulting services.
Both private and public developers and planners can apply for funding under this initiative from January 13th to May 16th online. The status of the project, i.e. whether they have already been realized or are still in the planning or implementation phase, is irrelevant. However, the construction projects must be based in the canton of Lucerne in order to be eligible for financial support.
This initiative is looking for projects that follow the eco-design approach, according to which buildings are conceived to be durable and circular. In order to receive funding, the proposals should be flagship projects, the press release states. Together, the canton and university intend to use this initiative to increase the visibility of opportunities for sustainable construction and the circular economy and to ensure that planners possess the relevant knowledge.