
07.01.2025 | Sustainability | Reading-time: 2 min

Bachmann Group grows on the back of HerkuPlast-Kubern takeover

Hochdorf/Ering - The Bachmann Group has acquired the German firm HerkuPlast-Kubern. Together, the aim is to achieve a stronger international market position in the plant cultivation sector. Both companies are focused on sustainable solutions for transport pallets.

HerkuPlast-Kubern GmbH from Ering in Bavaria has been a part of the Bachmann Group based in Hochdorf in the canton of Lucerne, Switzerland, since January 1, 2025. According to a press release, the two owner-managed companies are seeking to benefit from valuable synergy effects arising in the areas of cultivation, culture and transport pallets.

The two partners additionally see the takeover as ideally complementing their respective product portfolios. The Bachmann Group employs 280 staff across Bachmann Forming AG with a focus on custom packaging solutions for the food industry, the non-food sector and healthcare applications, as well as Bachmann Plantec AG, which specializes in the areas of transport packaging and cultivation systems for horticultural applications.

HerkuPlast-Kubern GmbH has amassed more than 50 years of experience in the cultivation sector. At present, 35 employees produce high-quality plastic-based products, including the well-known brands HerkuPak and Quickpot.

The companies also underline their commitment to sustainability as something that they share in common, with PCR materials exclusively used in their respective products, as the press release states. The majority of the electricity used in the manufacturing process is reportedly generated by the companies’ own photovoltaic systems.



