AKS looks back on a successful start to shared mobility
Lucerne - In 2021, the Albert Koechlin Stiftung (AKS) joined forces with the Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Luzern to open a public mobility station in the Lucerne district of Weinbergli. The AKS has assessed the station’s success and says it has been well received and is inspiring similar projects in other locations.
In a joint project, the Albert Koechlin foundation (AKS) and Lucerne housing cooperative (abl) have established a public mobility station in the Lucerne district of Weinbergli. The station opened in spring 2021 and offers five shared vehicles that users can borrow, from an electric bike to an electric car. According to a press release evaluating its success, the service has been well received. So far, 160 users have borrowed the vehicles over 1,000 times. A survey conducted by AKS shows that 20 per cent of users discovered vehicle sharing through the station, and a similar percentage are now being more considered in their transport choices since it opened. 13 per cent of those surveyed said they had sold their private vehicle and had not purchased a new one.
The positive response has inspired both partners to launch further projects of this kind. «Our pilot project has had the desired impact of developing a new, sustainable mobility culture,» says Andreas Merz, AKS project leader. «This has encouraged us to support the establishment of further multimodal mobility stations.»
«We are feeling confident about offering our cooperative members services in the area of mobility as well as housing. This is particularly important in locations where it is hard to find parking spaces, or where we can save costs on new builds by reducing parking space,» adds Armando Wigger, director of abl.