Heineken Switzerland AG
Beer is a matter close to our hearts - and the opinion of our customers is correspondingly important to us. Our regional and international brands create identity. They preserve centuries-old traditions, are open to innovation and set new trends. The fundamental values of our sustainability strategy "Brewing a Better World" make an important contribution to this. HEINEKEN Switzerland is committed to sustainable and ecological business activities. The "Brewing a Better World" sustainability program therefore focuses on six key areas: Water - CO2 - Local Sourcing - Responsible Consumption - Health and Safety - Social Commitment.
We brew all six of our quality beer brands - Heineken, Calanda, Eichhof, Ittinger Amber, Haldengut and Ziegelhof - for the Swiss market in our own breweries in Lucerne and Chur. The headquarters of HEINEKEN Switzerland is located in Lucerne on the site of the Eichhof brewery.
Heineken Switzerland AG
Obergrundstrasse 110
6002 Luzern
Phone +41 848 300 003
HR contact
Personalabteilung HEINEKEN SwitzerlandIndustry