Elektrisola Feindraht AG
Our wire - for your innovation
Elektrisola Feindraht AG is one of eight worldwide plants of the German Elektrisola Group and develops, produces and sells particularly thin enameled wires, wires made of special alloys and special enamels. With over 200 employees, we are one of the most important employers in the Unesco Biosphere Entlebuch. For over 50 years, we have been manufacturing special wires here in Escholzmatt, which are successfully used in countless high-tech products in the electrical and textile industries. You will find our wires in cell phones, computers, vehicles and in the aerospace industry. As a manufacturing company, we offer interesting positions throughout the entire value creation process and train apprentices in six different professions. Thanks to the creativity and passion of our employees, we are able to achieve global success time and again with unique products.
Elektrisola Feindraht AG
Hauptstrasse 35
6182 Escholzmatt
Phone +41 41 487 77 00
HR contact
Reto PortmannIndustry