Green Logistics by Galliker
Galliker Transport AG from Altishofen proves that a logistics company can operate in harmony with nature: “Green Logistics by Galliker” is the buzzword of the day. To take a closer look at the Galliker family’s green vision, we met with CEO Peter Galliker in Altishofen for an enriching exchange.

Peter Galliker, where do the origins of “Green Logistics by Galliker” lie?
It may sound extraordinary, but it’s actually the case: Even my father, who managed Galliker Transporte back then, had a great awareness of sustainability. He was always concerned that transports are committed only with a full vehicle. That was around the 1970s. At that time, Galliker was already carrying out combined transports by road and partly by rail between Italy, Switzerland and Sweden. On the way there, individual parts for new vehicles were delivered to the factories and on the way back, finished passenger cars or trucks could be transported home.
How did it go on?
“Green logistics” became a very concrete topic about five years ago. That was when we first started thinking about alternative drive options. At that time, however, there were still very few providers. That’s why things didn’t get really exciting until later, in October 2020. The Hyundai XCIENT Fuel Cell Truck was the first hydrogen truck to be launched under a world-famous brand. In a fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen from the ambient air are used to produce electrical power. Only water vapor escapes from the exhaust. With the two all-electric Futuricum trucks presented at the Museum of Transport this October, we are now once again taking advantage of a world first.
Why not focus exclusively on hydrogen trucks?
It is important for us to test different technologies. Depending on the application, one or the other makes more sense. It is important to us not to have tunnel vision, but to remain open to new possibilities.
Your attitude is absolutely in line with the spirit of the times.
Society, politics and business have realized that there has to be a change. Once upon a time, there was a shift from horse and cart to motorized vehicles; now, an upheaval of similar magnitude is underway. Industries are giving this development a huge boost with their innovative technologies. An enormous amount has happened in the last two years. Every supplier and every manufacturer wants to stay up-to-date.
Does “Green Logistics by Galliker” only apply to transport?
“Green Logistics by Galliker” consists of three pillars. This year, the focus was on mobility: With the acquisition of 15 hydrogen and electrically powered trucks, we have already reached a first milestone in this regard. The second pillar concerns infrastructure. Here, too, we are on the right track. For example, we have a dozen photovoltaic systems in operation that supply electricity for 1900 households and that we intend to use for our own needs in the future. Next year, the third pillar will increasingly come into play with our employees. It is very important to us that every employee lives the vision of “Green Logistics by Galliker”. In joint workshops, we look at how individuals can contribute to reducing CO2 consumption. It can also be small changes: At our branch in Geneva, for example, mail is now picked up by cargo bike instead of a fossil fuel car.
What is the significance of your location in Altishofen in the canton of Lucerne for “Green Logistics by Galliker”?
We are absolutely satisfied here. Thanks to our central location, we can cover a very large volume of business within 70 to 80 kilometers. In addition, the framework conditions of climate and sustainability policy at both the cantonal and federal level must be able to be flexibly adapted to the new circumstances.
Can you give an example?
In order for new technologies to be used and promoted, unbureaucratic exemptions are needed. For example, the Futuricum e-truck is one meter too long for the applicable laws in Switzerland. It also has two tons more payload to compensate for the weight of the very heavy batteries. Consequently, it was only thanks to an exceptional ruling from the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) that we were able to celebrate the world premiere of the first two e-trucks with 900 KW/h and a range of 500 km at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne together with Futuricum.
Do you have any advice for other entrepreneurs regarding sustainability?
The most important thing is to act together. That’s what we see with us: The company Galliker Transporte alone cannot save the world; only together can we move great things. As a green promoter, we want to send the right signals to the market. It is essential to approach new developments with openness and curiosity. And also with a portion of courage: Investments in the sense of sustainability are often expensive at first glance, but they pay off in the longer term. A large network is also helpful. For example, I regularly exchange information with universities and the University of St. Gallen about the latest developments and technologies. I am also part of a small core team of people from different countries that is involved in development processes by certain vehicle manufacturers. This is highly exciting for me.
“Green Logistics by Galliker” pursues the goal of continuously reducing harmful effects on the environment and the consumption of non-renewable resources in logistics processes. The promise is to store one-fifth of the solar power produced by the company itself by 2030 and to handle city logistics in a CO2-neutral manner. By 2040, half of the vehicle fleet is to be powered by alternative drive systems. By 2050, Galliker wants to be CO2-neutral on the road.
Galliker Green Logistics
Galliker Transport and Logistics
Photo: Presentation of the two Futuricum-e-trucks on October 14, 2021 at the Museum of Transportation in Lucerne.

Anja Hammerich
Project Manager Communication/Content
Phone +41 41 367 44 08