Axon Vibe featured in Infrastructure Report by Swiss Business Hub USA
The Lucerne-based smart mobility developer was selected as a prime example of how a Swiss company successfully entered the US market.

In 2021, the US Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) which appropriates an unprecedented US$1.2 trillion in funding across multiple sectors. The Infrastructure Opportunities for Swiss Companies in the USA Report by Swiss Business Hub USA and Switzerland Global Enterprise identifies 40+ Swiss companies of all sizes who have successfully leveraged their expertise in the US and identifies the keys to success for companies looking to enter and take advantage of the funding available from the IIJA.
Axon Vibe was selected as a case study example of how a Swiss company gained its foothold in the US infrastructure market and shared its unique perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of entering the U.S. market.
The Swiss Business Hub USA report brings together Swiss expertise with specific needs in US infrastructure and identifies concrete business opportunities for Swiss companies in US infrastructure. In the area of digital mobility, Axon Vibe is highlighted as a particularly innovative Swiss company whose core competence – as well as that of many other Swiss companies – could benefit US infrastructure builders.
According to Swiss Business Hub, Switzerland ranks 3rd worldwide (out of 180 countries) in the latest Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2020, making it one of the leading nations in the areas of protecting public health, conserving natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Switzerland's recognised strengths are directly linked to a resilient infrastructure consisting primarily of innovative companies.
Axon Vibe uses Augmented Reality and AI-based detection & prediction of commuting behaviors to enable public transport operators deliver personalized mobility experiences to commuters. Founded by location tech pioneers (Google Maps, Endoxon, Multimap), Axon Vibe has its Headquarters in Lucerne and was selected a winner of the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award 2021. The company was also selected by the NY Metropolitan Transportation Authority to test and introduce new technology to address some of NY's most pressing transport challenges.
Read the Axon Vibe Case Study on Page 43 of the report.

Michelle Abboud
Vice President
Phone +1 202 316 2163
Based in Washington, DC
skype: michelleabboud